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 Toronto Maple Leafs

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Ovechkin8 ♥
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Toronto Maple Leafs Empty
MessageSujet: Toronto Maple Leafs   Toronto Maple Leafs EmptyDim 28 Oct 2012, 22:40

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Mark McNeill R Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 21 2000000 6 77 82 88 80 80 98 76 78 77 62 55 70 82 86 78
Nick Sorensen R Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 19 490000* 3 45 67 62 40 41 37 68 66 86 39 57 45 58 39 61
Jordin Tootoo R Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 31 2200000 5 66 64 76 78 74 85 79 79 60 59 67 79 68 79 73
Sergei Kostitsyn R Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 27 3000000 2 88 76 76 76 76 70 76 59 74 71 57 75 80 74 72
Brandon Saad R Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 21 1300000 6 60 63 70 62 73 85 71 61 74 51 54 65 64 73 69
Maxime Talbot C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 30 1800000 2 72 63 73 75 75 75 75 65 63 75 79 75 69 75 75
Valtteri Filppula C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 30 3500000 1 77 78 79 73 78 67 78 68 74 77 55 70 78 72 74
Zenon Konopka C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 33 1000000 3 58 56 64 74 75 76 76 70 30 82 66 79 59 75 70
Tim Connolly C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 33 4000000 1 73 75 77 68 71 68 76 74 78 75 67 75 75 69 75
Ryan Rupert C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 20 600000 1 54 59 53 58 57 55 60 36 50 56 45 53 55 56 58
Matt Duchene C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 23 3500000 1 92 80 89 93 76 66 94 90 73 93 71 69 87 78 83
Marcus Johansson C Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 23 3000000 5 77 73 74 66 75 63 75 76 75 91 55 71 74 68 74
Justin Williams L Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 32 3650000 1 78 77 83 70 77 58 83 70 71 58 70 71 79 68 70
Zack Smith L Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 26 2500000 3 66 67 75 74 75 98 71 79 61 64 56 75 69 82 73
Mike Brown L Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 29 1300000 6 61 56 67 77 72 84 75 75 51 68 65 79 61 77 71
John Carlson D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 24 1600000 4 79 74 75 79 79 82 78 62 78 54 60 78 76 80 74
Seth Jones D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 20 1100000 2 61 59 56 68 74 74 66 59 68 73 55 66 58 72 69
Dion Phaneuf D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 29 6500000 6 78 77 88 82 88 99 76 87 60 70 77 86 81 89 81
Cody Franson D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 27 800000 1 88 62 62 78 78 90 72 81 74 67 51 78 70 82 74
Ryan Suter D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 29 7692076 10 76 78 74 82 88 80 76 81 60 63 71 80 76 83 77
Mike Komisarek D Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 32 4000000 2 64 56 55 84 79 81 74 74 69 64 75 86 58 81 74
Andrei Vasilevski G Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 20 450000 1 83 84 83 84 84 84 83 79 78 85 44 60 83 84 78
Ben Scrivens G Toronto Maple Leafs 1718631532 27 1400000 3 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 72 79 65 58 69 74 74 73

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Josh Leivo R Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 21 180000* 2 48 47 56 48 59 66 50 65 72 53 52 62 50 57 62
Spencer Abbott R Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 26 600000* 1 61 58 65 71 69 41 69 66 74 58 55 64 61 60 66
Connor Brown R Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 20 165000* 3 61 48 58 63 54 45 61 51 78 57 51 47 55 54 61
Dmitri Jaskin R Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 21 255000* 2 61 53 64 52 64 59 60 65 78 63 46 52 59 58 63
Greg Scott R Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 26 165000* 1 55 49 71 53 58 63 63 60 69 61 53 69 58 58 65
Sam Carrick C Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 22 189500,1* 1 50 47 56 49 54 46 70 48 70 62 52 64 51 49 62
Marcel Mueller C Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 26 240000* 1 61 53 74 50 73 73 70 59 73 75 55 74 62 65 68
Greg McKegg C Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 22 210000* 2 40 49 55 51 71 58 59 55 71 62 45 68 48 60 63
Erik Nemec C Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 20 165000* 3 51 48 55 47 47 48 56 45 71 59 48 59 51 47 57
Jamie Devane L Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 24 225000* 1 48 49 55 65 69 73 52 54 29 73 52 70 50 69 63
Brad Ross L Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 22 212000,1* 1 52 48 76 74 74 67 67 52 67 64 53 74 58 71 67
Nathan Walker L Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 20 165000* 3 51 46 60 33 39 34 63 45 85 49 44 44 52 35 55
Daniel Brodin L Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 22 157500* 1 45 47 52 52 58 52 67 64 75 50 53 66 48 54 62
Max Iafrate D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 20 165000* 3 47 45 49 67 63 60 59 55 65 70 54 52 47 63 62
Tom Nilsson D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 21 157500* 3 48 39 45 50 54 60 64 54 72 46 48 54 44 54 59
Jesse Blacker D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 23 750000 1 54 54 66 77 73 60 73 55 65 58 51 75 58 70 66
Korbinian Holzer D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 26 180000* 3 40 44 40 74 73 70 65 85 58 75 55 68 41 72 66
Juraj Mikus D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 25 187500* 4 52 55 45 70 70 71 74 48 72 68 55 75 50 70 66
Adam Clendening D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 21 900000 1 54 55 70 76 70 56 76 67 71 75 52 70 59 67 69
Mark Fraser D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 27 187500* 3 66 48 47 70 68 74 67 60 58 52 60 70 53 70 66
Simon Gysbers D Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 27 600000 2 57 59 59 75 74 71 64 83 76 76 58 80 58 73 71
Mark Owuya G Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 25 270000* 1 76 77 75 76 77 73 75 74 68 62 53 68 76 75 72
Jussi Rynnas G Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 27 950000 3 74 72 74 72 72 72 67 60 75 58 52 72 73 72 70
Garret Sparks G Toronto Maple Leafs 2470499161 21 157500* 3 48 58 54 51 69 48 47 66 77 44 49 51 53 56 61

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Alexei Filippov R Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 C- D D D D D C- D B- C- D C- D D C-
Austin Czarnik R Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 21 525001* 0 D D D D- D- F C- C- B D D D D D- C-
Vlastislav Vojtus R Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 18 100000 0 C- D- C- D- D D D B- C- F C- D D D C-
Derian Ionson R Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 D C- C- C- D B- C- D F- F C- B C- C- C-
Dmitri Melekhin R Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 18 100000 0 C- C- C- D- D- D D C D F C- D- C- D- D
Paul Sprague R Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 18 100000 0 C- D C- D- D- D- C- C- C- D- D D C- D- C-
Sondre Olden R Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 22 525000* 0 D D D D- D- D- C- C B- D D C- D D- C-
Dominic Toninato C Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 D C- C- C- C- D C- D- B- C D D- C- C- C-
Patrick Watling C Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 D C- C- D D D C- C- B C- D D C- D C-
Tony Cameranesi C Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 22 525000* 0 D D D D D D- C- C B D D D D D C-
A.J. Michaelson C Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 C- D C- D D D C- D B- D D C- D D C-
Jonathan Drouin L Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 C- C- C- D D- D- C- B B C- C- C- C- D C
Vit Smolka L Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 C- C- C- D D D C C- B D- C C- C- D C-
Jerome Flaake L Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 24 525000* 0 D D C- D D D- C- D C D C- C- C- D C-
Barclay Goodrow L Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 21 525001* 0 D D D C- D D D D B- D- D C- D D C-
Max Everson D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 21 525000* 0 D- D- D- D C- D D C B- D C- C- D- C- C-
Sean Solis D Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 D F D- C C B- C- C B- D- D C- D- C C-
Devan Hull D Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 D D D- C C C- C C- A- D- C C D C- C-
Ron Knot D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 D- C- D C- C C- C- C- B C D C- D C- C
Filip Rucizka D Toronto Maple Leafs 1775469399 19 100000 0 D- D D C B- C B- C A- D- C C D C C
Troy Donnay D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 D- D D D C- C- D C B- C D C- D C- C-
Petter Granberg D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 22 525000* 0 F F F- D D D- D C- B- D D C- F D C-
Dennis Robertson D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 23 525000* 0 D D D D D D- C- C- B- D- D C- D D C-
Dakota Mermis D Toronto Maple Leafs 3390406315 20 525001* 0 C- C- D C- C- C- C- D B C D C- C- C- C-
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