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 Philadelphia Flyers

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Ovechkin8 ♥
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Ovechkin8 ♥

Messages : 3767
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2010
Age : 30

Philadelphia Flyers Empty
MessageSujet: Philadelphia Flyers   Philadelphia Flyers EmptyDim 28 Oct 2012, 22:33

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Scott Hartnell R Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 32 4000000 1 79 65 77 74 72 82 78 88 40 59 75 82 73 76 74
Phil Kessel R Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 26 5500000 3 94 77 91 69 75 82 80 85 82 84 68 79 87 75 81
Magnus Paajarvi R Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 23 1300000 1 70 61 78 83 69 75 72 52 74 81 61 69 69 75 73
Tye McGinn R Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 24 1300000 1 57 52 76 56 70 84 61 65 70 67 55 66 61 70 68
Matthew Lombardi C Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 32 3250000 2 72 74 80 69 77 66 82 87 89 75 66 69 75 70 77
Brayden Schenn C Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 23 3000000 2 70 87 78 78 79 74 76 55 60 99 58 76 78 77 75
John Tavares C Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 23 5500000 4 89 80 93 67 70 71 79 81 73 94 63 76 87 69 79
Brooks Laich L Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 31 4500000 3 75 72 75 71 75 69 75 80 73 70 66 75 74 71 71
Michael Ryder L Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 34 3500000 2 78 74 76 71 74 66 77 84 76 66 69 73 76 70 74
Nick Cousins L Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 21 842500* 1 59 54 62 66 57 53 65 61 75 64 51 59 58 58 64
Sean Couturier L Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 21 5500000 3 89 89 80 88 80 89 88 85 76 90 58 71 86 85 82
Luke Schenn D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 24 3600000 2 65 61 66 87 83 99 73 92 76 57 72 79 64 89 77
Fedor Tyutin D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 31 4500000 4 72 63 62 78 77 78 75 81 63 46 62 78 65 77 67
Niklas Grossmann D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 29 3500000 2 70 55 62 78 76 87 76 79 68 65 70 76 62 80 74
Andrej Meszaros D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 28 4500000 4 72 68 64 76 79 94 77 80 71 71 75 78 68 83 76
Chris Pronger D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 39 4921429 2 69 76 70 72 73 73 61 82 49 48 73 82 71 72 71
Reece Willcox D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 20 390000 1 49 48 55 65 54 52 53 78 76 66 50 57 50 57 63
Braydon Coburn D Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 29 4500000 2 74 62 63 83 83 91 76 93 66 61 69 83 66 85 76
Anthony Stolarz G Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 20 440000 1 67 74 74 67 74 75 67 53 78 47 56 65 71 72 69
Ilya Bryzgalov G Philadelphia Flyers 2757610395 34 5666667 6 78 78 80 80 80 78 79 72 80 74 74 78 78 79 77

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Matthew Ford R Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 29 950000 3 56 55 70 65 70 67 70 62 68 54 58 70 60 67 68
Eric Wellwood L Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 24 600000 2 51 56 59 53 57 58 63 64 80 62 52 67 55 56 63
Tom Sestito L Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 26 550000 3 46 58 59 70 67 61 70 62 37 52 60 70 54 66 65
Oskars Bartulis D Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 27 600000 3 58 43 52 77 75 68 72 72 66 54 56 77 51 73 67
Matthew Konan D Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 22 215250* 1 52 51 51 71 71 65 57 53 70 68 51 74 51 69 65
Niko Hovinen G Philadelphia Flyers 353127888 26 1000000 3 75 75 75 74 74 76 68 79 75 53 57 69 75 74 72

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Petr Placek R Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 21 525000* 0 D D D D- D- D- D C B- D C- D D D- C-
Fredrik Linstrum R Philadelphia Flyers 1775469399 17 100000 0 B- D D F F F C- C- B D- C D C- F C-
Ledvik Zavisza R Philadelphia Flyers 1775469399 19 100000 0 C- C C D D- D C- C C D- D C- C- D C-
Tristan Gélinas R Philadelphia Flyers 1775469399 17 100000 0 D C C D- D- D- C C C- F C- C- C- D- C-
Eero Almila C Philadelphia Flyers 1775469399 18 100000 0 D D D D D- C- D C- D C- C C D D C-
Austin Cangelosi C Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 20 525001* 0 D C- C- D D D- C- D B- D D D D D C-
Taylor Leier L Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 20 525001 0 C- C- C- C- C D C- D B- C- D D C- C- C-
Derek Mathers L Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 21 525000* 0 D- D- D D D- D D D F- D- C- C- D- D D
Fredric Larsson L Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 20 800000* 0 C D C- C- C- D C- C- D D D D C- C- C-
Jared Perreault D Philadelphia Flyers 1775469399 17 100000 0 F F D- C- C- C C C- C F C- C- F C C-
Myles Bell D Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 21 525001 0 D D C- D D C- C- D B- C D C- D D C-
Valeri Vasilyev D Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 20 525000* 0 C C- C C- D C- D C- D C- D D C- C- C-
Colin Suellentrop D Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 21 525000 0 D- D D- D D C- C- D B- D D C- D- D C-
Brandon Devlin D Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 20 525001* 0 C- C- C- C- D C- C- C- B- C D D C- C- C-
Ricard Blidstrand D Philadelphia Flyers 3390406315 22 525000* 0 F D- D- D D D C- D C F- C- C- D- D D
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